Saturday 13 August 2011

to protect or not protect?

This week I travelled to North Norfolk (technically – although it’s more like East Norfolk!) to visit Happisburgh on a reci for a potential fieldwork site. The students are looking into whether it is worth protecting a certain stretch of coastline, and Happisburgh is their chosen focus. Well, some may say that it’s too late to be discussing such a thing as the cliffs are retreating at such an alarming rate! Some attempt has been made to stop the slumping and undercutting, but mostly this seems to have just slowed processes but not stopped them.

here is a photographic record of my day!
the lifeboat ramp - not much use now!

south along the beach - is management working?

tourist honeypot?
debris falling off the cliff!

the lifeboat ramp

rip rap revetment - slowing the undercutting?

Aesthetics & health and safety!

residents have moved out!

very close to the edge!

...left behind...

where the new ramp will be (behind)

from the unmanaged section

the mess that's been left is being cleared this summer

Beach Road has been closed

the bottom of the lifeboat ramp

looking north

impact on business? all closed.

empty house

new carpark/ toilets and ramp

just 5 miles up the road!

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