Tuesday 30 August 2011

The Crag Walk

Lots of exciting things have been happening at Walton on the Naze this year. We found ourselves unable to go onto the unmanaged section of beach last autumn, which meant a sudden u-turn in what we were able to measure down there! However, for us Geographers to be able to witness such 'Geography in Action' was extremely exciting :) 
So... why couldn't we get on the beach? There was a new piece of management being built!
So, we have watched this happen over the year (it wasn't entirely finished last time I was down there so there might be more to come).
Again, a photographic record gives you a much better idea than me rambling on.... :P
the unmanaged beach before
the sea attacking the base of the cliffs
cliff rotational slumping

the original management - nothing!

the wave cut platform of London Clay
starting work on the Crag Walk -

new Rip Rap

extending the end of the sea wall
work in progress

from on top of the cliff
placing the Rip Rap strategically

erosion has always been an issue

From what I can work out the Crag Walk is going to act as an anchor to the base of the cliff. It has been built parallel to the cliff, with about a 10m section of beach still behind it. I think that as the cliff slumps it will be stabilised by the Crag Walk, thus meaning that the cliff shouldn't slump much further. This will then (hopefully) save the Naze Tower from going over (that's the aim anyway!).I still haven't uploaded my latest photos but when I do I shall add them on here.


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