Friday 23 September 2011

some photos for Hadleigh...

I have taken some photos of the area where the proposed Tesco site would be and the surrounding area. As I said before, the new Tesco site is just behind the High Street, with the access through the allotments at the very end of the High Street by the river. As far as I can see the River Walk wouldn't be directly affected as it is on the other side of the river; however obviously pollution and litter could potentially influence the River Brett, which would in turn affect the River Walk.

Hadleigh High Street - a threat under Tesco

The old Brett Works site - Tesco owned
the entrance to the works
the old works

the beginning of the River Walk

evidence of people being against

the River Brett from the opposite side

The River Walk

the countryside on the other side of the River Brett

hanging baskets - community pride?

Watch this space for any further development regarding the Tesco campaign.

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