Thursday 2 February 2012

ramblings of a student......

Today I had a great day doing the investigation on outer city areas!

Suffolk: Creating the Greenest County.

Rebranding the county - how is Suffolk attempting to rebrand itself as a green county?  There is a lot of information on this website. If you have a look it outlines how Suffolk is attempting to promote sustainability and environmental awareness.

So, what do we need to consider in order to understand this topic area?

To aid you in your studies use the website to answer the following questions: 
1. How is climate change predicted to affect Suffolk?
2. What is Suffolk doing to respond to climate change? (both now and in the future)
3. Why does Suffolk need to take this action?

It is clear therefore that localisation is key to sustainable communities. A prominent specific focus throughout is the localisation of food produce and food sourcing. Therefore, we can examine a couple of studies - Hadleigh included - where the community is really concentrating on the promotion of this. Throughout the day we will be focusing on how Hadleigh can achieve this.

See you in Hadleigh!
Rachael :)

p.s. look at other posts on this blog to see more photos, and to see what issues are currently surrounding Hadleigh. A good video link is: for explaining what's going on!