Thursday 4 October 2012

Walton land use and information

Here is another website;

with lots of useful information regarding the Tendring Peninsula, and more specifically Walton on the Naze

Monday 10 September 2012

Walton on the Naze management

This is the community website for Walton on the Naze, Essex. There's lots of information on here regarding the community and what goes on;

You can use Google Earth to see the different management techniques. How many can you spot? 

See if you can see the following, then research how each of these work and why we have them at Walton on the Naze.

1. concrete sea wall 
2. rip rap
3. wooden/ concrete revetments
4. groynes
5. Crag Walk

Thursday 26 April 2012

A need for more container ship space - Felixstowe Video

This is a video from the local news which explains why we might need to consider the need for more container ship space/ room at the Docks...

A nice introduction to whether we need the space at Harwich or not!

Sunday 22 April 2012

Storm surge at Walton

This week we visited Walton on the Naze where we were going to measure the beach. However, very strong south easterly winds meant that the there was no beach to get on to! Even though it was a falling tide.
Through the 4 years of measuring the beach at Walton I have only ever seen it this stormy on a couple of occasions. See the photos below (taken on my phone so apologies for the lack of quality!) On our return we looked at the weather station on the end of Walton Pier - gusts had been getting up to 44mph during the time we were down there!


you can really see the waves with the wind here - you can see how LSD works!

And this was the part of the beach we should have been standing on by now!


 It's quite rare to see the sea all the way to the base of the cliff.


Well done to all the students who braved the weather :)

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Save the Mere, Walton

Another example of conflict at the coast - Walton would appreciate some regeneration, especially in the High Street area, which would in course set the multiplier effect into motion. One way of instigating this would be to reclaim the local mere and develop the land in to new housing/ shopping area/ waterfront and so on. However; some locals are not so keen!
For further information see the following links:

Walton's potential regeneration project

for information regarding the potential regeneration project at Walton on the Naze. 

Thursday 2 February 2012

ramblings of a student......

Today I had a great day doing the investigation on outer city areas!

Suffolk: Creating the Greenest County.

Rebranding the county - how is Suffolk attempting to rebrand itself as a green county?  There is a lot of information on this website. If you have a look it outlines how Suffolk is attempting to promote sustainability and environmental awareness.

So, what do we need to consider in order to understand this topic area?

To aid you in your studies use the website to answer the following questions: 
1. How is climate change predicted to affect Suffolk?
2. What is Suffolk doing to respond to climate change? (both now and in the future)
3. Why does Suffolk need to take this action?

It is clear therefore that localisation is key to sustainable communities. A prominent specific focus throughout is the localisation of food produce and food sourcing. Therefore, we can examine a couple of studies - Hadleigh included - where the community is really concentrating on the promotion of this. Throughout the day we will be focusing on how Hadleigh can achieve this.

See you in Hadleigh!
Rachael :)

p.s. look at other posts on this blog to see more photos, and to see what issues are currently surrounding Hadleigh. A good video link is: for explaining what's going on!